1 / 6Creation of a chatbot for the analysis of sensitive personal data using Llama2 and RAG techniques.VR Tour: Interactive tour of places in virtual realityCreation of a conversational bot specialised in real estateEyetracking for detecting ASDMultimodal assistant specialized in a specific domainSmartphone app for detecting skin deseasesRobotic Guide Dog using Low Cost QuadrupedsBreast Cancer Detection using Deep Learning TechniquesSocial Robot with Multimodal Emotion AwarenessOcular Disease Classification using Deep Learning ModelsThree-dimensional fall detection system using monocular framesDeep learning-based 3D Object RecognitionTeleoperación de un robot mediante reconocimiento de gestosFiltrado automático de currículum vitae usando LLMsOPTIMUS: A Transformer Architecture for Point Coud Classification1 / 6
Creation of a chatbot for the analysis of sensitive personal data using Llama2 and RAG techniques.
VR Tour: Interactive tour of places in virtual reality
Creation of a conversational bot specialised in real estate
Eyetracking for detecting ASD
Multimodal assistant specialized in a specific domain
Smartphone app for detecting skin deseases
Robotic Guide Dog using Low Cost Quadrupeds
Breast Cancer Detection using Deep Learning Techniques
Social Robot with Multimodal Emotion Awareness
Ocular Disease Classification using Deep Learning Models
Three-dimensional fall detection system using monocular frames
Deep learning-based 3D Object Recognition
Teleoperación de un robot mediante reconocimiento de gestos
Filtrado automático de currículum vitae usando LLMs
OPTIMUS: A Transformer Architecture for Point Coud Classification